TO ORDER PC-Duo PLEASE CALL 1-800-335-5595 Automated Installation with LANutil32 ===================================== LANutil32 automated installation scripts for PC-Duo v3.60 are included in the LANUTIL directory on Disk-3 of this kit. They should be copied onto the LANutil32 VMS host and renamed as follows: PCDAUTO.TPU PCDUO_AUTOEXEC.TPU Edits AUTOEXEC.BAT PCDCUS.CMD PCDUO_CUSTOM.COM Customises installation on the PC PCDINS.CMD PCDUO_INSTALL.COM Controls network-wide installation PCDPROG.TPU PCDUO_PROGMAN_INI.TPU Adds PCDUO.GRP to PROGMAN.INI PCDPROT.TPU PCDUO_PROTOCOL_INI.TPU Edits PROTOCOL.INI, [NETBEUI] PCDSYS.TPU PCDUO_SYSTEM_INI.TPU Edits SYSTEM.INI, [boot], [386Enh] PCDTPL.TPU PCDUO_TEMPLATE.TPU Edits PATHWORKS Template(s) PCDWIN.TPU PCDUO_WIN_INI.TPU Edits WIN.INI These scripts require LANutil v2.3 or later for correct operation when distributing PC-Duo to Windows 95 PCs.